10 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue- How NOT to Handle Marriage Issues
Jan 05, 2025114 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1- She Put off an Important Errand
Jan 06, 202536 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2- Lucky, but Not that Lucky
Jan 06, 202525 views
Episode 4
Chapter 3- Sort of Like a Parasite
Jan 15, 202526 views
Episode 5
Chapter 4- Read the Room
Jan 18, 202519 views
Episode 6
Chapter 5- Just Straight up Blind
Jan 25, 202513 views
Episode 7
Chapter 6- For your own Good
Feb 03, 202512 views
Episode 8
Chapter 7- Keeping up Appearances
Feb 17, 20258 views
Episode 9
Chapter 8- Poor Communication Skils
Mar 03, 20250 views
Episode 10
Chapter 9- Old Feuds
Mar 11, 20250 views
Currently updating every other Monday.
After Gaius joined the most elite clan of mages in the region, his life had been seemingly perfect. He rose to prominence as a researcher and teacher quickly, eventually marrying the clan’s director. There were red flags everywhere, but he ignored them all until he found his wife cutting one of his students open. Everything after that was a blur for him; he remembers very publicly blowing the whistle on his wife specifically, and then swiftly winding up on an operating table in a cold and lifeless laboratory.
Three months later, he’s been rescued by a vampire mercenary with a reputation for picking fights and causing chaos for her own amusement. Charlotte had been looking for her missing father, and picked him up by sheer happenstance. Neither of them have any good reason to trust each-other, but when the both of them have as many enemies as they do, banding together is worth the risk.
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Currently updating every other Monday.
After Gaius joined the most elite clan of mages in the region, his life had been seemingly perfect. He rose to prominence as a researcher and teacher quickly, eventually marrying the clan’s director. There were red flags everywhere, but he ignored them all until he found his wife cutting one of his students open. Everything after that was a blur for him; he remembers very publicly blowing the whistle on his wife specifically, and then swiftly winding up on an operating table in a cold and lifeless laboratory.
Three months later, he’s been rescued by a vampire mercenary with a reputation for picking fights and causing chaos for her own amusement. Charlotte had been looking for her missing father, and picked him up by sheer happenstance. Neither of them have any good reason to trust each-other, but when the both of them have as many enemies as they do, banding together is worth the risk.
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