2 episodes
The once imperial frontier capitol finds itself beset upon by monsters, witchcraft, and the wild powers of the mountains themselves in this alternate fantasy adventure.
The story follows Agent Wallace; a hired-gun trying to form a new life from sinister ashes in his past.
Honey-Queen Chel; the calculated leader of the Honey-cat syndicate, seeking to maintain an uneasy peace with the old imperial household's and the new confederations.
Falceath- The Wulver Prince; A mercurial man leading his wolf-like soldiers to unpredictable ends.
The Laronas; The descendants of the once great Vinjii Empire, and their newly crowned Matriarch, as they grapple to maintain their royal status.
A mysterious witch-cult seemingly hell-bent on restoring a pre-imperial mythical "Kingdom of the Clouds".
The Lady Whitehawk: A wandering knight looking to rectify the sins of her past.
And young Raegan; caught in the middle, just trying to find her own place in the world.
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The once imperial frontier capitol finds itself beset upon by monsters, witchcraft, and the wild powers of the mountains themselves in this alternate fantasy adventure.
The story follows Agent Wallace; a hired-gun trying to form a new life from sinister ashes in his past.
Honey-Queen Chel; the calculated leader of the Honey-cat syndicate, seeking to maintain an uneasy peace with the old imperial household's and the new confederations.
Falceath- The Wulver Prince; A mercurial man leading his wolf-like soldiers to unpredictable ends.
The Laronas; The descendants of the once great Vinjii Empire, and their newly crowned Matriarch, as they grapple to maintain their royal status.
A mysterious witch-cult seemingly hell-bent on restoring a pre-imperial mythical "Kingdom of the Clouds".
The Lady Whitehawk: A wandering knight looking to rectify the sins of her past.
And young Raegan; caught in the middle, just trying to find her own place in the world.
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