8 episodes
Episode 1
chapter 1: some backround
Dec 03, 2023322 views
Episode 2
chapter 2: the beginning
Dec 03, 2023148 views
Episode 3
chapter 3: war
Dec 03, 2023145 views
Episode 4
chapter 4: Clayton Oscar
Dec 04, 2023136 views
Episode 5
chapter 5: the stranger
Dec 09, 2023130 views
Episode 6
chapter 6: sharkk
Dec 16, 2023103 views
Episode 7
chapter 7: the teaching
Dec 18, 202387 views
Episode 8
chapter 8: witch hunters
Jan 08, 202449 views
Errol lives in the mountains, deep inside the Wyoming bush, and his family has not seen another person for the last five generations, Errol loves his life, but their are certain things about his family that make him wonder, wonder about where they came from, and how his family has existed this long off grid.
excerpt: Errol ran for his life, the creature behind, him, a bloody mass of red suit and white flesh and bone screamed and dove forward, trying to catch him, he dove forward as well, and managed to get away, but the creature continued to attack and pursue, it was large, with short point oddly white teeth and were the eyes should be, there were two sockets, and its mouth was forced into the most horrible of smiles. blood was in the air, and Errol felt that soon it would be his
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Errol lives in the mountains, deep inside the Wyoming bush, and his family has not seen another person for the last five generations, Errol loves his life, but their are certain things about his family that make him wonder, wonder about where they came from, and how his family has existed this long off grid.
excerpt: Errol ran for his life, the creature behind, him, a bloody mass of red suit and white flesh and bone screamed and dove forward, trying to catch him, he dove forward as well, and managed to get away, but the creature continued to attack and pursue, it was large, with short point oddly white teeth and were the eyes should be, there were two sockets, and its mouth was forced into the most horrible of smiles. blood was in the air, and Errol felt that soon it would be his
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