11 episodes
Episode 1
I | Prophecy
Oct 04, 2024137 views
Episode 2
II | Pendant
Oct 06, 202451 views
Episode 3
III | Village
Oct 06, 202434 views
Episode 4
IV | Acquaintances
Oct 06, 20246 views
Episode 5
V | Betrayal
Oct 06, 202434 views
Episode 6
VI | Allsgorath
Oct 06, 202423 views
Episode 7
VII | Market
Oct 06, 202435 views
Episode 8
VIII | Revelations
Oct 06, 202431 views
Episode 9
IX | Princess
Oct 15, 202422 views
Episode 10
X | Cobalt (Part I)
Oct 15, 202413 views
Episode 11
X | Cobalt (Part II)
Oct 15, 202413 views
A white-cloaked figure stands on the balcony of a tower, their face hidden in the shadows of a hood. They peer over the banister, seeing hundreds, if not thousands, of Elves standing below them, screaming and shouting. All of them eagerly waiting.
The hood falls back, revealing pointed ears, long silver hair, and glowing purple eyes. Her words, yet spoken at a normal volume, somehow travel easily through the crowd below her. "Greetings, people of Kamthas. I come before you today as a new Apprentice of the High Oracles. Today, I shall speak my First Prophecy."
The screams below immediately fall silent, a hush falling over the large crowd that ripples like a wave.
Her arms shake as she raises them to the sky, tilting her head back as the morning sun bathes her in its golden light. A soft glow seems to emanate from her and her purple eyes glaze over, her voice becoming deeper and fuller, spilling from her uncontrollably.
“The rabbit will save us from the snake.”
⋆˙⟡ ⟡˙⋆
Lyrael is a human, through and through. There is no denying a fact.
However, there's something that has always bothered her when she looks in a mirror. She looks wrong. Her tangled black hair looks wrong, her sharp blue eyes look wrong, and most of all, her warm, never-changing tan skin just looks... wrong.
Her life is completely upended one fateful spring day when her father mysteriously disappears. His trail leads directly over the Border, the very Border her father forbade her from ever crossing, the one that separated Elves from the humans. And according to everything she's ever been taught, Elves are barbaric, vicious creatures who attack humans unprovoked, for no reason other than simple enjoyment.
Despite all of that, there are two things she knows to be true.
1. She must save him.
and 2... She is definitely just a human.
This story is about friendship, magic, loyalty, and, most importantly, finding out who the hell Lyrael Waestris truly is.
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A white-cloaked figure stands on the balcony of a tower, their face hidden in the shadows of a hood. They peer over the banister, seeing hundreds, if not thousands, of Elves standing below them, screaming and shouting. All of them eagerly waiting.
The hood falls back, revealing pointed ears, long silver hair, and glowing purple eyes. Her words, yet spoken at a normal volume, somehow travel easily through the crowd below her. "Greetings, people of Kamthas. I come before you today as a new Apprentice of the High Oracles. Today, I shall speak my First Prophecy."
The screams below immediately fall silent, a hush falling over the large crowd that ripples like a wave.
Her arms shake as she raises them to the sky, tilting her head back as the morning sun bathes her in its golden light. A soft glow seems to emanate from her and her purple eyes glaze over, her voice becoming deeper and fuller, spilling from her uncontrollably.
“The rabbit will save us from the snake.”
⋆˙⟡ ⟡˙⋆
Lyrael is a human, through and through. There is no denying a fact.
However, there's something that has always bothered her when she looks in a mirror. She looks wrong. Her tangled black hair looks wrong, her sharp blue eyes look wrong, and most of all, her warm, never-changing tan skin just looks... wrong.
Her life is completely upended one fateful spring day when her father mysteriously disappears. His trail leads directly over the Border, the very Border her father forbade her from ever crossing, the one that separated Elves from the humans. And according to everything she's ever been taught, Elves are barbaric, vicious creatures who attack humans unprovoked, for no reason other than simple enjoyment.
Despite all of that, there are two things she knows to be true.
1. She must save him.
and 2... She is definitely just a human.
This story is about friendship, magic, loyalty, and, most importantly, finding out who the hell Lyrael Waestris truly is.
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