6 episodes
Episode 1
Oct 26, 2023381 views
Episode 2
Oct 26, 2023158 views
Episode 3
Oct 26, 202392 views
Episode 4
Oct 26, 2023157 views
Episode 5
5 | Early Access
Nov 29, 2023126 views
Episode 6
Jan 07, 202499 views
[BL | 18+] Ronan had no memory of his life before he became a siren. It wasn't a particularly solitary life; he often spent time in the quaint, seaside town people watching. But he felt a comforting peace amongst the waves of the ocean, particularly in the stillness of night while the town slept. But when an unfamiliar man collapses on the beach, Ronan feels drawn to him like the tide to the moon, and he quickly realizes there's more to life than the solitude of the ocean.
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Thank you so much for your support, it truly means the world to me! As a child who grew up lost in her own imaginations, creating stories upon stories, being a writer and sharing my stories with the world is all I've ever wanted to do. From writing in spiral-bound notebooks in my bedroom or at the back of the school bus to getting an MFA in writing, the need to tell stories has never left. Being able to support myself doing the one thing I love is the ultimate dream, and one I am constantly reaching for. With your support, you've brought me that much closer to being able to finally quit my day job and write full time. You're helping my dreams come true <3
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[BL | 18+] Ronan had no memory of his life before he became a siren. It wasn't a particularly solitary life; he often spent time in the quaint, seaside town people watching. But he felt a comforting peace amongst the waves of the ocean, particularly in the stillness of night while the town slept. But when an unfamiliar man collapses on the beach, Ronan feels drawn to him like the tide to the moon, and he quickly realizes there's more to life than the solitude of the ocean.
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When I Was the Moon and You Were the Ocean
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