13 episodes
Episode 1
Why me?! Part1
Feb 08, 20151k views
Episode 2
Why Me? Part 2
Feb 23, 2015307 views
Episode 3
Why me ? Part 3
Mar 26, 2015285 views
Episode 4
Why me? Part 4
Apr 23, 2015286 views
Episode 5
Why Me? Part 5
Apr 30, 2015246 views
Episode 6
Why Me? Part 6
May 07, 2015181 views
Episode 7
Why Me? Part 7
May 14, 2015228 views
Episode 8
Why Me? Part 8
May 21, 2015215 views
Episode 9
Why Me? Part 9
May 28, 2015215 views
Episode 10
Why Me? Part 10
Jun 04, 2015206 views
Episode 11
Why Me? Part 11
Jun 11, 2015206 views
Episode 12
Why Me? Part 12
Jun 18, 2015347 views
Episode 13
What! EP 14
Mar 08, 2019308 views
It seems lately, there is never a dull moment between those two. Nat currently lives with her godparents and their son, Jon. She is a beautiful young girl, warm and considerate but terribly homesick. Recently, Jon has been acting strange and childish towards her which leaves Nat to retaliate, but sometimes Jon cuts too deep. For the past two years all was well until the fighting began from not just dodging harsh words but to dodging real blows. Nat feels unwelcomed because of this and wishes she could just go home but here is where she stays. Being optimistic, she tries to make the best of things and avoid any confrontation with Jon but to no avail.
Jon can't seem to control his emotions when Nat's around. He's always at his worst when he runs that mouth of his. His parents even get involved and tell him to treat her better. But something's happening to him on the inside and can’t seem to deal with his feelings. He realizes his faults but nonetheless manages to go too far. Will he learn to play nice or will he keep on lashing out? Only time will tell for those two...
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It seems lately, there is never a dull moment between those two. Nat currently lives with her godparents and their son, Jon. She is a beautiful young girl, warm and considerate but terribly homesick. Recently, Jon has been acting strange and childish towards her which leaves Nat to retaliate, but sometimes Jon cuts too deep. For the past two years all was well until the fighting began from not just dodging harsh words but to dodging real blows. Nat feels unwelcomed because of this and wishes she could just go home but here is where she stays. Being optimistic, she tries to make the best of things and avoid any confrontation with Jon but to no avail.
Jon can't seem to control his emotions when Nat's around. He's always at his worst when he runs that mouth of his. His parents even get involved and tell him to treat her better. But something's happening to him on the inside and can’t seem to deal with his feelings. He realizes his faults but nonetheless manages to go too far. Will he learn to play nice or will he keep on lashing out? Only time will tell for those two...
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