7 episodes
Episode 1
Aug 21, 2017333 views
Episode 2
Aug 21, 201726 views
Episode 3
Playing a Sexist God
Aug 25, 201714 views
Episode 4
Something like Hope
Sep 01, 20178 views
Episode 5
What is the true Reality?
Sep 08, 20176 views
Episode 6
The Devil is familiar
Sep 15, 20178 views
Episode 7
(Aside) A Time before the storm
Sep 23, 2017104 views
Dear Innocence,
Why do you let humans take you away? There is a boy who is stuck somewhere between reality and delusion, a boy that is neither pure nor tainted, a boy that struggles on for hope in a world so cold that it could chill the nerves quicker than ice. Will I get hypothermia from this child's tale, or will I find my numb, blue fingertips reaching up towards a light that is unattainable, trying desperately to find warmth in something, for I am nothing but darkness? Only time will tell.
Sincerely, Corruption
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Dear Innocence,
Why do you let humans take you away? There is a boy who is stuck somewhere between reality and delusion, a boy that is neither pure nor tainted, a boy that struggles on for hope in a world so cold that it could chill the nerves quicker than ice. Will I get hypothermia from this child's tale, or will I find my numb, blue fingertips reaching up towards a light that is unattainable, trying desperately to find warmth in something, for I am nothing but darkness? Only time will tell.
Sincerely, Corruption
[ 10 chapter short novel, updates every Friday ]
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