47 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1 (Part 1) - (Friday, September 14th, 2018, 11 am Central)
Dec 05, 2022947 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Dec 06, 2022298 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1 (Part 3)
Dec 06, 2022224 views
Episode 4
Chapter 1 (Part 4) - End of Chapter 1
Dec 06, 2022209 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2 (Part 1) - (Sunday, September 16th, 2018, 7 pm Central)
Dec 08, 2022193 views
Episode 6
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
Dec 08, 2022168 views
Episode 7
Chapter 2 (Part 3) - End of Chapter 2
Dec 08, 2022179 views
Episode 8
Chapter 3 (Part 1) - Tuesday, September 18th, 2018, 6:30 pm Central
Dec 11, 2022175 views
Episode 9
Chapter 3 (Part 2)
Dec 11, 2022177 views
Episode 10
Chapter 3 (Part 3)
Dec 12, 2022211 views
Episode 11
Chapter 3 (Part 4) - End of Chapter 3
Dec 12, 2022204 views
Episode 12
Chapter 4 (Part 1) - Tuesday, September 18th, 2018, 8 pm Central
Dec 14, 2022172 views
Episode 13
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
Dec 14, 2022172 views
Episode 14
Chapter 4 (Part 3) - End of Chapter 4
Dec 14, 2022186 views
Episode 15
Chapter 5 (Part 1) - Friday, September 21st 2018, 2 pm local time
Dec 17, 2022182 views
Episode 16
Chapter 5 (Part 2)
Dec 17, 2022184 views
Episode 17
Chapter 5 (Part 3)
Dec 19, 2022179 views
Episode 18
Chapter 5 (Part 4) - End of Chapter 5
Dec 21, 2022163 views
Episode 19
Chapter 6 (Part 1) - Saturday, September 22nd 2018, 10 am local time - Antarctica
Dec 22, 2022162 views
Episode 20
Chapter 6 (Part 2)
Dec 23, 2022170 views
Harriett had been born with the one thing many craved more than anything: Power. With a near infinite amount of magic constantly welling up in her human cells, life had blessed her, as her best friend, Feron, said it best, as the “Special Amongst the Special”. But unfortunately, life had forgotten to throw in a manual for how to best control her godly power, leaving Harriett feeling less special and more a nuisance.
Yet Harriett was not alone in her woes. Together with Feron, a rare hybrid born of a wolf princess and the vampire king, along with eight others whose special backgrounds ranged from the noble and kind yeti, Gagiro of the Winter, whom was capable of controlling all forms of water on a continental level, to the ingenious half jinn, Kinza, whose only limiting factor was her singlemindedness, they had attended a private ‘class’ in their youth meant to teach each of them restraint. Yet now, as an eighteen-year-old starting her college years off with the accidental cultivation of an apple tree that would never stop growing until the heat death of the universe, Harriett found the lesson of suppression to be the only thing barely helping her with the beginning of her adult life.
But a suggestion from Feron would set her on a path she could never have been ready for. A simple month adventure to revisit their classmates and seek their combined tutelage sounded great in theory. “Have the Special teach the Special,” Harriett imagined. But for someone that summoned Demon Lords and Gods capable of reshaping Earth’s continents on the regular, Harriett didn’t have much faith in the journey. Luckily, together with Feron and Kylia, the forever irritated, youngest child of the 2nd Demon Lord of the Underworld, Harriett wouldn’t have to go it alone.
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Harriett had been born with the one thing many craved more than anything: Power. With a near infinite amount of magic constantly welling up in her human cells, life had blessed her, as her best friend, Feron, said it best, as the “Special Amongst the Special”. But unfortunately, life had forgotten to throw in a manual for how to best control her godly power, leaving Harriett feeling less special and more a nuisance.
Yet Harriett was not alone in her woes. Together with Feron, a rare hybrid born of a wolf princess and the vampire king, along with eight others whose special backgrounds ranged from the noble and kind yeti, Gagiro of the Winter, whom was capable of controlling all forms of water on a continental level, to the ingenious half jinn, Kinza, whose only limiting factor was her singlemindedness, they had attended a private ‘class’ in their youth meant to teach each of them restraint. Yet now, as an eighteen-year-old starting her college years off with the accidental cultivation of an apple tree that would never stop growing until the heat death of the universe, Harriett found the lesson of suppression to be the only thing barely helping her with the beginning of her adult life.
But a suggestion from Feron would set her on a path she could never have been ready for. A simple month adventure to revisit their classmates and seek their combined tutelage sounded great in theory. “Have the Special teach the Special,” Harriett imagined. But for someone that summoned Demon Lords and Gods capable of reshaping Earth’s continents on the regular, Harriett didn’t have much faith in the journey. Luckily, together with Feron and Kylia, the forever irritated, youngest child of the 2nd Demon Lord of the Underworld, Harriett wouldn’t have to go it alone.
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