2 episodes
Episode 1
Spring (Preview Ch.)
Feb 06, 2022604 views
Episode 2
The Southern Province
Mar 27, 2022165 views
Spring is a time of new beginnings, but it's also a time for the end of old stories.
Follow along as Luz finds her way of living turned upside down with the end of a war, engagement and a friendship.
Will this loss lead to her finding her true self and will she be able to grow from the truths she learns.
Come along on the journey of The Golden Child.
(current chapter is a preview of what is to come, I just wanted to post it so as to not lose motivation)
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Spring is a time of new beginnings, but it's also a time for the end of old stories.
Follow along as Luz finds her way of living turned upside down with the end of a war, engagement and a friendship.
Will this loss lead to her finding her true self and will she be able to grow from the truths she learns.
Come along on the journey of The Golden Child.
(current chapter is a preview of what is to come, I just wanted to post it so as to not lose motivation)
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