2 episodes
Episode 1
Oct 12, 20191.3k views
Episode 2
Ch. 1 Pt. 1 : Welcome Home
Jul 11, 2020432 views
Love can be a challenging journey. Some of us choose to walk this path blindly with no destination in mind, while others race towards this unknown finish line, desperate to find their soulmate. Alastor the Radio Demon is best known for his cruel and heartless nature. It is believed that he isn't capable of loving another being, a fact he's quite proud of, but no one can out run fate. Will Alastor be able to continue living a loveless life or will he too fall victim to The Frequency of Love?
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Love can be a challenging journey. Some of us choose to walk this path blindly with no destination in mind, while others race towards this unknown finish line, desperate to find their soulmate. Alastor the Radio Demon is best known for his cruel and heartless nature. It is believed that he isn't capable of loving another being, a fact he's quite proud of, but no one can out run fate. Will Alastor be able to continue living a loveless life or will he too fall victim to The Frequency of Love?
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