5 episodes
Episode 1
May 16, 2020342 views
Episode 2
May 17, 2020126 views
Episode 3
Running out of time
May 18, 2020121 views
Episode 4
May 19, 2020129 views
Episode 5
May 20, 2020106 views
In a world where nature has risen up to take back its land, humanity lives cowering behind walls. In this time of strife and calamity, a legend is told of how 12 animals would connect with man kind to decide once and for all its fate. This is the tale of the Dark Legacy.
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In a world where nature has risen up to take back its land, humanity lives cowering behind walls. In this time of strife and calamity, a legend is told of how 12 animals would connect with man kind to decide once and for all its fate. This is the tale of the Dark Legacy.
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