5 episodes
Episode 1
The Battle of the Grand Alliance
Jan 15, 2021215 views
Episode 2
The Surrender of Citadel City
Jan 16, 2021106 views
Episode 3
The Purchase of a Stipator
Jan 16, 2021102 views
Episode 4
The Trial of the Twenty
Jan 17, 202166 views
Episode 5
The Aftermath of Assassinations
Jan 18, 202191 views
The Grand Alliance fought the Conqueror in a climactic battle, one of smoke and fire, where thousands and thousands of men died. They sacrificed everything to keep the Conqueror at bay, and to defeat his dragons. They were warriors. They were heroes.
And the heroes were obliterated.
The self-declared Dragonlord conquered an entire continent, and destroyed all his foes. But he will find it harder to hold than conquer...
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The Grand Alliance fought the Conqueror in a climactic battle, one of smoke and fire, where thousands and thousands of men died. They sacrificed everything to keep the Conqueror at bay, and to defeat his dragons. They were warriors. They were heroes.
And the heroes were obliterated.
The self-declared Dragonlord conquered an entire continent, and destroyed all his foes. But he will find it harder to hold than conquer...
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