123 episodes
Episode 1
0 - Prologue
Feb 14, 20223.2k views
Episode 2
Chapter 1 - Different Times, Different Lives
Feb 28, 20221k views
Episode 3
Chapter 1.1 - Different Lives, Different Times
Mar 14, 2022662 views
Episode 4
Chapter 1.2 - Different Lives, Different Times
Mar 28, 2022630 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2 - It had… horns?
Apr 11, 2022579 views
Episode 6
Chapter 2.1 - It had... horns?
Apr 24, 2022554 views
Episode 7
Chapter 2.2 - It had... horns?
May 09, 2022513 views
Episode 8
Chapter 3 - The Shinigami and the Ox named Pox
May 23, 2022447 views
Episode 9
Chapter 3.1 - The Shinigami and the Ox named Pox
Jun 06, 2022484 views
Episode 10
Chapter 3.2 - The Shinigami and the Ox named Pox
Jun 20, 2022435 views
Episode 11
Chapter 4 - The Boy Who Played with Colours
Jul 04, 2022428 views
Episode 12
Chapter 4.1 - The Boy Who Played with Colours
Jul 18, 2022488 views
Episode 13
Chapter 4.2 - The Boy Who Played with Colours
Aug 01, 2022467 views
Episode 14
Chapter 4.3 - The Boy Who Played with Colours
Aug 15, 2022317 views
Episode 15
Chapter 5 - A Rare Soul
Aug 29, 2022513 views
Episode 16
Chapter 5.1 - A Rare Soul
Sep 04, 2022402 views
Episode 17
Chapter 6 - A Human Worthy of Some Respect
Sep 11, 2022419 views
Episode 18
Chapter 6.1 - A Human Worthy of Some Respect
Sep 18, 2022410 views
Episode 19
Chapter 6.2 - A Human Worthy of Some Respect
Sep 25, 2022436 views
Episode 20
Chapter 7 - What Have you Done to My Dog?!
Oct 02, 2022415 views
Hell’s seven Colours to rule Hell’s seven kingdoms.
Red, Green, Grey, Blue, Yellow, White and Black.
Satan, the ultimate lord and commander of all seven Kingdoms had made it so.
No one remembered where the Colours came from or when they last lived without them. It just became a way of life.
The Royal descendants, spawns of Satan, were born with the power to manipulate most Colours. Born with the power to submit most to their will. However, in order to ascend and become true Masters of Hell, they were to conquer all Colours and pass the final Test. No matter the cost.
Over the years, Satan himself lost many of his own children to the Test, but it was the iron law. It could not be changed.
There were some whispers and predictions, however. One of Satan’s children, together with a rare human soul, would be the end of his reign.
Now, what does any of this have to do with twenty-four-year-old Mara Takeda?
From suddenly becoming deaf at the age of five, to facing bullies through most of her school years, Mara is no stranger to challenges, though she still prefers the comfort of her own company, and her sole obsession: painting. Under a pseudonym, she paved the way to become a respected and talented artist. In Tokyo, she is preparing to come out from the shadows and make her first appearance at her solo exhibition. At least that was the plan until she is abruptly visited by a man with horns and wings...
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Hell’s seven Colours to rule Hell’s seven kingdoms.
Red, Green, Grey, Blue, Yellow, White and Black.
Satan, the ultimate lord and commander of all seven Kingdoms had made it so.
No one remembered where the Colours came from or when they last lived without them. It just became a way of life.
The Royal descendants, spawns of Satan, were born with the power to manipulate most Colours. Born with the power to submit most to their will. However, in order to ascend and become true Masters of Hell, they were to conquer all Colours and pass the final Test. No matter the cost.
Over the years, Satan himself lost many of his own children to the Test, but it was the iron law. It could not be changed.
There were some whispers and predictions, however. One of Satan’s children, together with a rare human soul, would be the end of his reign.
Now, what does any of this have to do with twenty-four-year-old Mara Takeda?
From suddenly becoming deaf at the age of five, to facing bullies through most of her school years, Mara is no stranger to challenges, though she still prefers the comfort of her own company, and her sole obsession: painting. Under a pseudonym, she paved the way to become a respected and talented artist. In Tokyo, she is preparing to come out from the shadows and make her first appearance at her solo exhibition. At least that was the plan until she is abruptly visited by a man with horns and wings...
Completed series
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Frej Rising
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Arna (GL)
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Spirits and Crowns
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