2 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1- The Cave Dweller
Feb 23, 2021922 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2- I Just Got Back
Sep 06, 2021248 views
In the middle of the night, Jedidiah is being chased down by a monster through the woods. Is he just running from his own doom, or is there a unexpected savior at the end of his journey?
This is just one in a series of short stories I plan on continuing.
Art is by Joni Miller (Apoppytheosis, City of Depression) Please be sure to show your support by checking out her work.
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If you enjoy what I do here please show your support so I can keep doing what I'm doing.
In the middle of the night, Jedidiah is being chased down by a monster through the woods. Is he just running from his own doom, or is there a unexpected savior at the end of his journey?
This is just one in a series of short stories I plan on continuing.
Art is by Joni Miller (Apoppytheosis, City of Depression) Please be sure to show your support by checking out her work.
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