3 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue: His Name Is Gavin
Sep 06, 2017246 views
Episode 2
Just Like Him
Sep 06, 2017109 views
Episode 3
The Glowing Girl
Sep 10, 201782 views
All Gavin—a twelve-year-old boy—knows that his mother is a bit "off her rocker", or that's what all the other adults who've met her say about her at least, but could she just be hiding something? Gavin will uncover the secrets his mom has been hiding for his entire life, and he will be thrown into a world that he never knew existed, and how he is a very important part of the future in this wasteland known as Soliterra, in the Kingdom of Restallo.
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All Gavin—a twelve-year-old boy—knows that his mother is a bit "off her rocker", or that's what all the other adults who've met her say about her at least, but could she just be hiding something? Gavin will uncover the secrets his mom has been hiding for his entire life, and he will be thrown into a world that he never knew existed, and how he is a very important part of the future in this wasteland known as Soliterra, in the Kingdom of Restallo.
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