3 episodes
Episode 1
He took the wheel!
Jul 01, 2020179 views
Episode 2
Only one toilet!
Jul 01, 202090 views
Episode 3
Alas, it's now over.
Jul 01, 202049 views
So many clouds! Josho exclaimed as he dangles his feet on the reeling.
It's true that when you travel the skies on a hunt for mystery and fame, you will indeed find many clouds.
But also pirates, sky-whales and thunder.
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So many clouds! Josho exclaimed as he dangles his feet on the reeling.
It's true that when you travel the skies on a hunt for mystery and fame, you will indeed find many clouds.
But also pirates, sky-whales and thunder.
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To save the Universe
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Fans also read
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