5 episodes
Episode 1
Jan 22, 20185.4k views
Episode 2
Cover Art
Jan 24, 20182.1k views
Episode 3
Apr 03, 20181.1k views
Episode 4
May 05, 2018888 views
Episode 5
May 14, 20181.1k views
Zackey is secretly half human boy who lives normally in human society with his Guardian, a world renown master magician who has a stage name of "Hex" and "Jean" in real life. After Jean passed away Zackey was left wondering how he should pursue his dreams of following Jean's footsteps when she's not there anymore. How can he bring back his passion for his dreams?
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Zackey is secretly half human boy who lives normally in human society with his Guardian, a world renown master magician who has a stage name of "Hex" and "Jean" in real life. After Jean passed away Zackey was left wondering how he should pursue his dreams of following Jean's footsteps when she's not there anymore. How can he bring back his passion for his dreams?
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