4 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 20, 2019266 views
Episode 2
downfall (part 2)
Apr 24, 2019148 views
Episode 3
chapter 2 : spark (part 1)
Aug 09, 2019188 views
Episode 4
chapter 2 : spark (part 2)
Feb 08, 2020154 views
the kingdom of Vale was a stronghold of safety in the world of Remnant. or at least it was until the first murder happened. Team SABR intend on solving this mystery, but will they be able to without being dragged down into vales criminal underworld.
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the kingdom of Vale was a stronghold of safety in the world of Remnant. or at least it was until the first murder happened. Team SABR intend on solving this mystery, but will they be able to without being dragged down into vales criminal underworld.
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