304 episodes
Episode 1
Stratagem 1: (Luck) Fate Plays an Important Role In Love (1)
Apr 14, 20191.8k views
Episode 2
Stratagem 1: (Luck) Fate Plays an Important Role In Love (2)
Apr 21, 2019672 views
Episode 3
Stratagem 1: (Luck) Fate Plays an Important Role In Love (3)
Apr 28, 2019438 views
Episode 4
Stratagem 2: Holding a Council of Love (1)
May 05, 2019366 views
Episode 5
Stratagem 2: Holding a Council of Love (2)
May 12, 2019343 views
Episode 6
Stratagem 2: Holding a Council of Love (3)
May 19, 2019331 views
Episode 7
Stratagem 2: Holding a Council of Love (4)
May 26, 2019314 views
Episode 8
Stratagem 2: Holding a Council of Love (5)
Jun 02, 2019283 views
Episode 9
Stratagem 2: Holding a Council of Love (6)
Jun 09, 2019354 views
Episode 10
Stratagem 3: Know Yourself And Know Your Beloved! (1)
Jun 16, 2019293 views
Episode 11
Stratagem 3: Know Yourself And Know Your Beloved! (2)
Jun 23, 2019251 views
Episode 12
Stratagem 3: Know Yourself And Know Your Beloved! (3)
Jun 30, 2019236 views
Episode 13
Stratagem 4: Choose a Heartfelt Present (1)
Jul 07, 2019240 views
Episode 14
Stratagem 4: Choose a Heartfelt Present (2)
Jul 14, 2019223 views
Episode 15
Stratagem 4: Choose a Heartfelt Present (3)
Jul 21, 2019234 views
Episode 16
Stratagem 4: Choose a Heartfelt Present (4)
Jul 28, 2019207 views
Episode 17
Stratagem 4: Choose a Heartfelt Present (5)
Aug 04, 2019222 views
Episode 18
Stratagem 5: Utilize Your Subjects’ Talents Well (1)
Aug 11, 2019227 views
Episode 19
Stratagem 5: Utilize Your Subjects’ Talents Well (2)
Aug 18, 2019215 views
Episode 20
Stratagem 5: Utilize Your Subjects’ Talents Well (3)
Aug 25, 2019226 views
Dragon King Qiu Ling sat in front of an empty book and frowned. It had been two days, eight hours and twenty-six minutes since he had irrevocably fallen in love. Unfortunately, the person who had captured his heart — namely crown prince Jing He, the Son of Heaven — still wasn’t reciprocating his feelings.
It was about time he did, though, because Qiu Ling really couldn’t take waiting any longer. Thus, Qiu Ling decided that he had to forge a plan that would enable him to capture Jing He’s heart the same way Jing He had captured his.
In that way, the 69 stratagems of Dragon King Qiu Ling were written.
One can only hope that no unknowing soul will ever happen upon this secret manual and try to use it because most likely no one but crown prince Jing He would fall for this.
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Dragon King Qiu Ling sat in front of an empty book and frowned. It had been two days, eight hours and twenty-six minutes since he had irrevocably fallen in love. Unfortunately, the person who had captured his heart — namely crown prince Jing He, the Son of Heaven — still wasn’t reciprocating his feelings.
It was about time he did, though, because Qiu Ling really couldn’t take waiting any longer. Thus, Qiu Ling decided that he had to forge a plan that would enable him to capture Jing He’s heart the same way Jing He had captured his.
In that way, the 69 stratagems of Dragon King Qiu Ling were written.
One can only hope that no unknowing soul will ever happen upon this secret manual and try to use it because most likely no one but crown prince Jing He would fall for this.
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Like a Ray in My Night
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What Makes a Monster
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Novel BL 15.1k likes
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Blood Moon
Novel BL 46.6k likes
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Last I Saw You (on hold)
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Spirits and Crowns
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