3 episodes
Episode 1
chapter 1 - Prologue
Nov 02, 2022133 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1.1 - Rebirth
Nov 02, 202250 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1.2 - Dispute between children
Nov 02, 202250 views
As a tool of the organization, killing his emotions and fulfilling their orders faithfully., He was killed on his retirement day, but he was given a second life in a new world …how will he survive in this world?, will he become a tool again, or will he be the one to use the people has a tool? Lets his new life begin?
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As a tool of the organization, killing his emotions and fulfilling their orders faithfully., He was killed on his retirement day, but he was given a second life in a new world …how will he survive in this world?, will he become a tool again, or will he be the one to use the people has a tool? Lets his new life begin?
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