10 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 01, 20201.2k views
Episode 2
Apr 17, 2020478 views
Episode 3
May 28, 2020372 views
Episode 4
Some Of Their Parts
Jul 31, 2020359 views
Episode 5
Oct 23, 2020365 views
Episode 6
Jan 08, 2021424 views
Episode 7
Villain Investigation
Apr 23, 2021270 views
Episode 8
Catch Them If You Can!
Dec 13, 2021237 views
Episode 9
Stuck Together...
Sep 21, 2022245 views
Episode 10
Sep 24, 2023166 views
A group of four people who meet in Vinyl City; a city of heroes, villains, monsters, corporations and corrupt scientists. In a world not as black and white as it seems; first, we meet Blue, a kind-hearted, naïve wanna-be superhero. The second we meet is Vio, a hot-headed, perceptive fighter. The third is Krism, an anxious, caring child of a professional hero. Lastly there's Raiju, a no-nonsense, determined tactician. Together, they formed a new group called the Peacemakers. There’s also Robin.
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A group of four people who meet in Vinyl City; a city of heroes, villains, monsters, corporations and corrupt scientists. In a world not as black and white as it seems; first, we meet Blue, a kind-hearted, naïve wanna-be superhero. The second we meet is Vio, a hot-headed, perceptive fighter. The third is Krism, an anxious, caring child of a professional hero. Lastly there's Raiju, a no-nonsense, determined tactician. Together, they formed a new group called the Peacemakers. There’s also Robin.
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