Once Upon a Broken Looking-Glass
4 episodes
Episode 1
Author Notes
Feb 20, 2024839 views
Episode 2
Feb 20, 2024907 views
Episode 3
Feb 25, 2024545 views
Episode 4
3・Grimm Tower
Oct 25, 2024153 views
【Updates Friday】The Grimm boarding school had many secrets, one of those greatest being a woman named Evelyn, and there was nothing more Alberick hated more than not knowing something, be it finding why she seems to know the darkest of secrets, or knowing why she's taken a liking to him, Alberick will have his answers.
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ Welcome to Starberry Circus! Every drop of ink helps! Thank you!
【Updates Friday】The Grimm boarding school had many secrets, one of those greatest being a woman named Evelyn, and there was nothing more Alberick hated more than not knowing something, be it finding why she seems to know the darkest of secrets, or knowing why she's taken a liking to him, Alberick will have his answers.
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