48 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 0-History
Jul 26, 2015165 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1- Page 9-15
Dec 29, 2015201 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1- Page 16-20
Jan 18, 2016173 views
Episode 4
Chapter 1- Page 21-28
Mar 27, 2016117 views
Episode 5
Chapter 1. Pg.29
Apr 09, 2016101 views
Episode 6
Chpt.1 Pg.30
Apr 11, 2016102 views
Episode 7
Chpt.1 Pg. 31
Apr 15, 201644 views
Episode 8
Chpt.1 Pg.32
Apr 20, 201640 views
Episode 9
Chpt.1 Pg. 33
May 01, 2016106 views
Episode 10
Chpt.1 Pg. 34
May 29, 201685 views
Episode 11
Chpt.1 Pg.35
May 30, 201639 views
Episode 12
Chpt.1 Pg.36
May 31, 2016105 views
Episode 13
Chpt.1 Pg.37
Jun 03, 2016100 views
Episode 14
Chpt.1 Pg.38
Jun 06, 2016115 views
Episode 15
Chpt.1 Pg.39
Jun 08, 2016116 views
Episode 16
Chpt.1 Pg.40
Jun 09, 2016103 views
Episode 17
Chpt.1 Pg.41
Jun 14, 201699 views
Episode 18
Chpt.1 Pg.42
Jun 16, 201692 views
Episode 19
Chpt.1 Pg. 43
Jun 19, 2016109 views
Episode 20
Chpt.1 Pg.44
Jun 21, 201697 views
*This comic is on hiatus because of poor writing and decisions on my part; it may or may not be rebooted in the future. However, there will be no new updates until.*
Moral dilemmas, everyone has encountered has most likely encountered at least one or two in their lifetime. White lies, justifiable homicide, euthanasia, and picking one life over another; all examples of problems with no definite right answer. No Hero is just another dilemma but isn't something most people would come across. Hope and Akira are the two who must answer this and pay for there answers with death. They aim to be the 'heroes' of this tragedy, but they must always answer this one question: just how much can a 'hero' taint their hands until they are not what they claim to be?
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*This comic is on hiatus because of poor writing and decisions on my part; it may or may not be rebooted in the future. However, there will be no new updates until.*
Moral dilemmas, everyone has encountered has most likely encountered at least one or two in their lifetime. White lies, justifiable homicide, euthanasia, and picking one life over another; all examples of problems with no definite right answer. No Hero is just another dilemma but isn't something most people would come across. Hope and Akira are the two who must answer this and pay for there answers with death. They aim to be the 'heroes' of this tragedy, but they must always answer this one question: just how much can a 'hero' taint their hands until they are not what they claim to be?
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