5 episodes
Episode 1
Because Christians don't do ANYTHING...
Jan 03, 2015453 views
Episode 2
Finding God in Everything...
Jan 07, 2015262 views
Episode 3
Jan 17, 2015267 views
Episode 4
You Don't Even #1
Feb 05, 2015284 views
Episode 5
For Ash Wednesday
Feb 18, 2015652 views
Just a little series about a modern Catholic girl who defends her faith from the nay-sayers and untruths that come both from without and within her religion. She meets with those who think they know more about her faith than she does, those who are doing faith wrong, and those who simply refuse to acknowledge simple truths about what goes on in her faith.
Simply put, she debunks and responds to what many Catholics (and other Christians) are down right TIRED of hearing.
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Just a little series about a modern Catholic girl who defends her faith from the nay-sayers and untruths that come both from without and within her religion. She meets with those who think they know more about her faith than she does, those who are doing faith wrong, and those who simply refuse to acknowledge simple truths about what goes on in her faith.
Simply put, she debunks and responds to what many Catholics (and other Christians) are down right TIRED of hearing.
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