60 episodes
Episode 1
Feb 10, 20183.4k views
Episode 2
Chapter One
Feb 10, 20183k views
Episode 3
Chapter Two
Feb 13, 20183.2k views
Episode 4
Chapter Three
Feb 17, 20182.9k views
Episode 5
Chapter Four
Feb 20, 20182.8k views
Episode 6
Chapter Five
Feb 26, 20182.9k views
Episode 7
Chapter Six
Mar 02, 20184.2k views
Episode 8
Chapter Seven
Mar 05, 20183.2k views
Episode 9
Chapter Eight
Mar 09, 20183k views
Episode 10
Chapter Nine
Mar 13, 20183.1k views
Episode 11
Chapter Ten
Mar 17, 20183k views
Episode 12
Chapter 11
Mar 21, 20182.9k views
Episode 13
Chapter Twelve
Mar 25, 20183k views
Episode 14
Chapter Thirteen
Mar 27, 20182.8k views
Episode 15
Chapter Fourteen
Mar 29, 20183.1k views
Episode 16
Chapter Fifteen
Apr 02, 20183.2k views
Episode 17
Chapter Sixteen
Apr 06, 20182.8k views
Episode 18
Chapter Seventeen
Apr 10, 20183.2k views
Episode 19
Chapter Eighteen
Apr 14, 20182.6k views
Episode 20
Chapter Nineteen
Apr 18, 20182.5k views
Lucifer was the B R I G H T E S T angel
But in service of God, he was condemned to D A R K N E S S.
After thousands of years, the darkness took root I N S I D E him.
Ammi is a F L A M E no one can extinguish
Forged from God's holy F I R E to combat the darkness.
A mate made for L U C I F E R.
He clucked his tongue disparagingly, shaking his head, "Tell me your full name."
I groaned, running a hand down my face. "Fine. But I'm not explaining it to you." His face told me that I would if he wanted me to, but I soldiered on. "My full first name is Amirykal. Happy?" I muttered.
His reaction took me completely by surprise. He blinked slowly at first, processing, then his face split into a wide grin and he threw back his head and laughed uproariously. I was hit with a wave of arousal at the sound of it-it was rumbling and husky, heating me up at the core.
"What's so funny?" I grumbled, sure he was laughing at my expense. He looked down, that gorgeous grin still on his chiseled face, showcasing his lovely white teeth.
"Oh, Kitten. Your name, Amirykal, do you know its meaning?" He asked, his voice sensual and erotic as he spoke my name.
"No-I was found with that name." I answered struggling to keep my voice even as he slowly approached, like a predator would his prey.
"Well, Love, I'll tell you. Amirykal means 'gift', or, more exactly, 'a gift from God'." He purred as he got closer and closer, so there was barely a foot between us.
"And why is that funny?" I had a very hard time focusing on the conversation at hand with him at this proximity, using that lovely tone.
"Because, Amirykal, I am Lucifer. And God made you to be mine."
*Takes some liberties on the Biblical stories and has mature content. Please do not read if such things offend you.*
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Lucifer was the B R I G H T E S T angel
But in service of God, he was condemned to D A R K N E S S.
After thousands of years, the darkness took root I N S I D E him.
Ammi is a F L A M E no one can extinguish
Forged from God's holy F I R E to combat the darkness.
A mate made for L U C I F E R.
He clucked his tongue disparagingly, shaking his head, "Tell me your full name."
I groaned, running a hand down my face. "Fine. But I'm not explaining it to you." His face told me that I would if he wanted me to, but I soldiered on. "My full first name is Amirykal. Happy?" I muttered.
His reaction took me completely by surprise. He blinked slowly at first, processing, then his face split into a wide grin and he threw back his head and laughed uproariously. I was hit with a wave of arousal at the sound of it-it was rumbling and husky, heating me up at the core.
"What's so funny?" I grumbled, sure he was laughing at my expense. He looked down, that gorgeous grin still on his chiseled face, showcasing his lovely white teeth.
"Oh, Kitten. Your name, Amirykal, do you know its meaning?" He asked, his voice sensual and erotic as he spoke my name.
"No-I was found with that name." I answered struggling to keep my voice even as he slowly approached, like a predator would his prey.
"Well, Love, I'll tell you. Amirykal means 'gift', or, more exactly, 'a gift from God'." He purred as he got closer and closer, so there was barely a foot between us.
"And why is that funny?" I had a very hard time focusing on the conversation at hand with him at this proximity, using that lovely tone.
"Because, Amirykal, I am Lucifer. And God made you to be mine."
*Takes some liberties on the Biblical stories and has mature content. Please do not read if such things offend you.*
Completed series
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