11 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1
Mar 24, 202498 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2
Mar 26, 2024170 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3
Mar 28, 2024124 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4
Mar 31, 202491 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5
Apr 03, 202498 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6
Apr 07, 202493 views
Episode 7
Chapter 7
Apr 09, 202497 views
Episode 8
Chapter 8
Apr 11, 202475 views
Episode 9
Chapter 9
Apr 14, 202467 views
Episode 10
Chapter 9B
Apr 18, 2024106 views
Episode 11
Chapter 10
Apr 21, 2024120 views
NEW STORY (+18) Highest Ranks: 1# Villain 31/01/2024, 3# Fiction 15/01/2024
#SteamyAdventure #EvilLove #SoulMates#
There was a long-forgotten time when all the superior beasts roamed the Earth, humans hid underground and evil reigned supreme.
Until the heartless monsters were all cursed -- with soulmates and love.
May all of you find your heart soon enough,
May you learn of warmth and joy,
Until then, hold your evilness and
your breath.
Odette is ready for the Run, expecting to fulfil her duty and returning to her father and brother. After all, nothing happened if one stayed on the assigned path, right?
Little did she know, her presence would awaken a malevolent power that had been asleep for centuries.
Huge, regal, equipped with wings and horns that pierce the dark skys, Zerberus is the Lord of all winged and un-winged cold-blooded beasts. He had been asleep for too long, waiting for his heart, now that he has been awakened he is ravenous....
Brace yourself for a wickedly fun tale filled with steam, banter, and a heroine navigating her newfound position alongside her Dragon Lord. If you're ready for a fast-paced fantasy romance that defies expectations, dive into this story of love, danger, and pure villainy! Long live the villains!
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NEW STORY (+18) Highest Ranks: 1# Villain 31/01/2024, 3# Fiction 15/01/2024
#SteamyAdventure #EvilLove #SoulMates#
There was a long-forgotten time when all the superior beasts roamed the Earth, humans hid underground and evil reigned supreme.
Until the heartless monsters were all cursed -- with soulmates and love.
May all of you find your heart soon enough,
May you learn of warmth and joy,
Until then, hold your evilness and
your breath.
Odette is ready for the Run, expecting to fulfil her duty and returning to her father and brother. After all, nothing happened if one stayed on the assigned path, right?
Little did she know, her presence would awaken a malevolent power that had been asleep for centuries.
Huge, regal, equipped with wings and horns that pierce the dark skys, Zerberus is the Lord of all winged and un-winged cold-blooded beasts. He had been asleep for too long, waiting for his heart, now that he has been awakened he is ravenous....
Brace yourself for a wickedly fun tale filled with steam, banter, and a heroine navigating her newfound position alongside her Dragon Lord. If you're ready for a fast-paced fantasy romance that defies expectations, dive into this story of love, danger, and pure villainy! Long live the villains!
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What Makes a Monster
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Blood Moon
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