10 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue: Old Life
Aug 20, 2018293 views
Episode 2
A New Beginning
Oct 20, 2018121 views
Episode 3
Beutiful Biby Monster
Nov 12, 2018138 views
Episode 4
Awakening part 1
Dec 08, 2018130 views
Episode 5
Meeting Yuri
Dec 19, 2018138 views
Episode 6
Awakening Part 2
Jan 28, 2019150 views
Episode 7
Power Pleaser
Mar 25, 2019118 views
Episode 8
The Beast Awakens Part 1
Apr 02, 2019119 views
Episode 9
The Beast Awakens part 2
Apr 04, 2019161 views
Episode 10
Who's There!?
Jun 22, 2019109 views
This is a story about a boy named King Kaijuu (In Japan its last name first). Yukki lived in our world a bright 12 years old boy, very bright, in fact so bright he was made the only president for as long as he was alive. Others disliked this idea and voted against him but it was useless(he won) and was made president at age 7(already had a college diploma and was majoring in medicine at the time).Of course because he's so good some people decided to kill him. So ever since presidency he was a victim to attempted murder every day of his little child hood(if you wonder where his parents were in all of this they died when Yukki was 6 do to a fire that was set by the people afraid of Yukki)
Authors Quick Side Comment :Of course being that we are talking about our world some story like this probably isn't real(but let me dream!)
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This is a story about a boy named King Kaijuu (In Japan its last name first). Yukki lived in our world a bright 12 years old boy, very bright, in fact so bright he was made the only president for as long as he was alive. Others disliked this idea and voted against him but it was useless(he won) and was made president at age 7(already had a college diploma and was majoring in medicine at the time).Of course because he's so good some people decided to kill him. So ever since presidency he was a victim to attempted murder every day of his little child hood(if you wonder where his parents were in all of this they died when Yukki was 6 do to a fire that was set by the people afraid of Yukki)
Authors Quick Side Comment :Of course being that we are talking about our world some story like this probably isn't real(but let me dream!)
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