34 episodes
Episode 1
Jan 28, 2023626 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: Oblivion
Feb 03, 2023268 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2: Breathtaking
Feb 10, 2023195 views
Episode 4
Chapter 3: Protect
Feb 17, 2023197 views
Episode 5
Chapter 4: Square One
Feb 24, 2023195 views
Episode 6
Chapter 5: Replica
Mar 03, 2023194 views
Episode 7
Chapter 6: A Glimpse
Mar 11, 2023157 views
Episode 8
[Extra 1]: The First Mission
Mar 13, 2023164 views
Episode 9
Chapter 7: Unwanted Visitors
Mar 18, 2023142 views
Episode 10
Chapter 8: Bigger Problem
Mar 24, 2023155 views
Episode 11
Chapter 9: Decisions, Decisions.
Mar 27, 2023123 views
Episode 12
Chapter 10: Departure
Mar 31, 2023150 views
Episode 13
Chapter 11: Attack
Apr 07, 2023131 views
Episode 14
Chapter 12: Perhaps
Apr 14, 2023125 views
Episode 15
Chapter 13: Destination
Apr 21, 2023151 views
Episode 16
Chapter 14: A Challenge
May 09, 2023129 views
Episode 17
Chapter 15: Let's Start!
May 19, 2023129 views
Episode 18
Chapter 16: Messenger and Mischief
May 19, 2023124 views
Episode 19
Chapter 17: Conditions
May 27, 2023133 views
Episode 20
Chapter 18: Announcement
Jun 02, 2023141 views
"9... 8.... 7... 6.... 5.... 4.... 3.... 2... 1!"
She stepped forward. Throwing a "SEE YOU IN A FEW HOURS!" in the loudest voice she could manage towards the pilot, she ran towards the edge and jumped, unaware of what a big, fat lie those words would turn out to be.
- - -
Samaya Dhar, codename Maya, was a Special Agent of the Third Eye Agency, an intelligence agency that operates worldwide to ensure peace and order, no matter the means. On a mission, she finds herself transported to a strange and unfamiliar world.
First order of things. Steal some appropriate clothes.
Second order of things. Find out where you are.
Third order of things. Try to find .... Wait, is that a half-dead child in the alleyway? What the heck?
The boy looks on the verge of death. She cannot bring herself to leave the child alone. It's fine. She will still find a way back. She will still go back home. She will just take the little bun with her.
Or so she thought until the little bun caught the eyes of some very important people.
Turns out, the little bun is a Prince. And his father wants him at the Palace. But hell would freeze over before Sanaya let anyone take her child from her.
This is the story of a woman who is just trying to protect her found family while looking for a way home and ends up being entangled in a big web of politics, harem intrigue, assassination plots, and one infuriating man who is at the center of it all.
Weekly Updates. New Chapter every Friday/Saturday. GMT + 6:00
Edit: Cover has been changed due to restrictions on AI art. The new cover is an edited version of a free artwork from pixabay. Find it here: pixabay.com/illustrations/people-girl-woman-face-portrait-2013447/
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"9... 8.... 7... 6.... 5.... 4.... 3.... 2... 1!"
She stepped forward. Throwing a "SEE YOU IN A FEW HOURS!" in the loudest voice she could manage towards the pilot, she ran towards the edge and jumped, unaware of what a big, fat lie those words would turn out to be.
- - -
Samaya Dhar, codename Maya, was a Special Agent of the Third Eye Agency, an intelligence agency that operates worldwide to ensure peace and order, no matter the means. On a mission, she finds herself transported to a strange and unfamiliar world.
First order of things. Steal some appropriate clothes.
Second order of things. Find out where you are.
Third order of things. Try to find .... Wait, is that a half-dead child in the alleyway? What the heck?
The boy looks on the verge of death. She cannot bring herself to leave the child alone. It's fine. She will still find a way back. She will still go back home. She will just take the little bun with her.
Or so she thought until the little bun caught the eyes of some very important people.
Turns out, the little bun is a Prince. And his father wants him at the Palace. But hell would freeze over before Sanaya let anyone take her child from her.
This is the story of a woman who is just trying to protect her found family while looking for a way home and ends up being entangled in a big web of politics, harem intrigue, assassination plots, and one infuriating man who is at the center of it all.
Weekly Updates. New Chapter every Friday/Saturday. GMT + 6:00
Edit: Cover has been changed due to restrictions on AI art. The new cover is an edited version of a free artwork from pixabay. Find it here: pixabay.com/illustrations/people-girl-woman-face-portrait-2013447/
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