5 episodes
Episode 1
How to survive a boring office job
Aug 05, 2023746 views
Episode 2
Aug 09, 2023275 views
Episode 3
How to get yourself into a bad situation... and (maybe) cut potatos.
Aug 19, 2023187 views
Episode 4
How to deal with the consequence for trying to cut a potato
Sep 15, 202324 views
Episode 5
How to get yourself into someting you might not be able to get out of and you could very well die in
Sep 22, 202398 views
When the author of his favorite webnovel disappears, LiJie is forced to make his own ending--but as the heroine's insignificant love interest.
In a kingdom where a corrupt demon priestess sits in the king’s throne, allied and enemy kingdoms both fall to shambles, villages all around plummet into poverty, one nobleman rose. That was Alaric, who would cultivate power beyond belief—only to wind up in prison. No matter how wild the unicorn, dragon and orc filled world got, it seemed like the hero’s love interest Mona had no place in it.
After all, Li states he can count how many times Alaric visited her on his hands. Maybe she was mentioned a little more though. You confidently could say office worker Tian LiJie was slightly obsessed with the novel. When the stakes pile up for Alaric (his mercenary army’s defeat and love interest imprisoned), the author vanishes.
Then Li wakes up as Mona. Can he rewrite the end the author (didn’t) have planned…?
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When the author of his favorite webnovel disappears, LiJie is forced to make his own ending--but as the heroine's insignificant love interest.
In a kingdom where a corrupt demon priestess sits in the king’s throne, allied and enemy kingdoms both fall to shambles, villages all around plummet into poverty, one nobleman rose. That was Alaric, who would cultivate power beyond belief—only to wind up in prison. No matter how wild the unicorn, dragon and orc filled world got, it seemed like the hero’s love interest Mona had no place in it.
After all, Li states he can count how many times Alaric visited her on his hands. Maybe she was mentioned a little more though. You confidently could say office worker Tian LiJie was slightly obsessed with the novel. When the stakes pile up for Alaric (his mercenary army’s defeat and love interest imprisoned), the author vanishes.
Then Li wakes up as Mona. Can he rewrite the end the author (didn’t) have planned…?
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