6 episodes
Episode 1
1. Agent Ford investigates
Jan 10, 2021359 views
Episode 2
2. Harmony Who?
Jan 10, 2021122 views
Episode 3
3. A question of gender
Jan 10, 202164 views
Episode 4
4. Foul play suspected
Jan 10, 202182 views
Episode 5
5. Formal arrests
Jan 10, 202165 views
Episode 6
6. Epilogue
Jan 10, 202176 views
The year 2039. Damian Ford is on a private space cruise ship, Harmony of the Stars heading for the new world, GJ1132b, approximately 39 light years from, and 1.4 times the size of Earth. The lead singer of the onboard rock group, Harmony Who? is found dead, Damian and his fellow agents investigate the crime to discover who killed her.
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The year 2039. Damian Ford is on a private space cruise ship, Harmony of the Stars heading for the new world, GJ1132b, approximately 39 light years from, and 1.4 times the size of Earth. The lead singer of the onboard rock group, Harmony Who? is found dead, Damian and his fellow agents investigate the crime to discover who killed her.
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