5 episodes
Episode 1
The Game (1)
Feb 25, 20213.8k views
Episode 2
The Game (2)
Feb 25, 2021132 views
Episode 3
The Reaper (1)
Mar 05, 2021100 views
Episode 4
The Reaper (2)
Aug 19, 2021129 views
Episode 5
Companions (1)
Dec 01, 2021110 views
60 years ago, God descended upon the mortal realm with a message; he has decided to retire and wants a successor. He begins God's Game, a world wide game where humans must fight in one-on-one battles to increase their odds to making it to the final tournament. To make things interesting, God bestows every mortal with a "blessing", which is a special super power unique to them. The bloody battle for the title of God begins!
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60 years ago, God descended upon the mortal realm with a message; he has decided to retire and wants a successor. He begins God's Game, a world wide game where humans must fight in one-on-one battles to increase their odds to making it to the final tournament. To make things interesting, God bestows every mortal with a "blessing", which is a special super power unique to them. The bloody battle for the title of God begins!
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