10 episodes
Episode 1
Disclaimer and Copyright
Jun 07, 2020819 views
Episode 2
1- The Beginning
Jun 10, 2020321 views
Episode 3
2- August, Senior Year
Jun 14, 2020219 views
Episode 4
3- Welcome Back Prisoners
Jun 17, 2020209 views
Episode 5
Important Announcement
Aug 16, 2020180 views
Episode 6
Feb 19, 2021142 views
Episode 7
Trailer Release
Jun 26, 2021139 views
Episode 8
Jun 26, 2021141 views
Episode 9
Pride Update
Jun 26, 2021143 views
Episode 10
Order Today
Jun 26, 2021145 views
"That's what a kiss should feel like. It's supposed to knock you off your feet and leave you speechless, that's how you know it meant something, and you felt something real. The stomach flutters and sweating palms and shuddering, those are all the feelings you should get when you're attracted to someone, and that wasn't even crazy hot or freaky."
Navigating high school is hard enough without being a pariah. Josh and Zayne understand the struggles of accepting yourself all too well as they tackle their senior year in their hometown of Waco. Will their struggles end up destroying them?
This story contains graphic elements including harsh and hateful speech, self harm, acts of violence, and suicide attempts. This story is NOT suitable for those under the age of 16. These are serious matters that are not to be taken lightly. I do not endorse or encourage the self-destructive behavior depicted.
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"That's what a kiss should feel like. It's supposed to knock you off your feet and leave you speechless, that's how you know it meant something, and you felt something real. The stomach flutters and sweating palms and shuddering, those are all the feelings you should get when you're attracted to someone, and that wasn't even crazy hot or freaky."
Navigating high school is hard enough without being a pariah. Josh and Zayne understand the struggles of accepting yourself all too well as they tackle their senior year in their hometown of Waco. Will their struggles end up destroying them?
This story contains graphic elements including harsh and hateful speech, self harm, acts of violence, and suicide attempts. This story is NOT suitable for those under the age of 16. These are serious matters that are not to be taken lightly. I do not endorse or encourage the self-destructive behavior depicted.
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