2 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 0 - Prologue (01)
May 01, 20182.3k views
Episode 2
Chapter 0 - Prologue (02)
Oct 09, 202452 views
If I cast my eyes before me
what an infinite space
in which I do not exist,
And if I look behind me
what a terrible procession of years
in which I do not exist,
And how little space I occupy
in this vast abyss of time.
-Jacques Benigne Bossuet
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If I cast my eyes before me
what an infinite space
in which I do not exist,
And if I look behind me
what a terrible procession of years
in which I do not exist,
And how little space I occupy
in this vast abyss of time.
-Jacques Benigne Bossuet
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