Collective Consciousness (By Avery)
1 episode
We have for years theorized, plotted, and planned. Now is the time to try to take you puny humans out for good. You humans, woefully resilient, survived our first attack. Next time you won't be so lucky. We, a perfect entity had never failed until we met you pathetic creatures, that was clearly bad luck. What can you do to stop us? Even I, hailing from a mundane family with one of the worst jobs in the hive could take any thousand humans of you on! Join me on my adventure, trying to end humanity.
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We have for years theorized, plotted, and planned. Now is the time to try to take you puny humans out for good. You humans, woefully resilient, survived our first attack. Next time you won't be so lucky. We, a perfect entity had never failed until we met you pathetic creatures, that was clearly bad luck. What can you do to stop us? Even I, hailing from a mundane family with one of the worst jobs in the hive could take any thousand humans of you on! Join me on my adventure, trying to end humanity.
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