5 episodes
Episode 1
Oct 13, 2018583 views
Episode 2
Part 1 - Juniper
Oct 15, 2018246 views
Episode 3
Part 2 - Alice
Dec 31, 201893 views
Episode 4
Part 3 - Alice
Jan 07, 2019145 views
Episode 5
Part 4 - Juniper
Jan 14, 2019190 views
Sequel to: No Take Backs.
Sometimes Humans and Wolves are like oil and vinegar. They just won't mix.
Juniper's got a major grudge.
Alice is in it's cross hairs.
The only thing they seem to have in common is trying to keep their heads above water in this thing called life. Alice is discovering a world she never knew. Juniper is trying to survive in the harsh realities of it.
But they have more in common than they realize. Each holds a secret. Can they create an emulsion out of their differences, or will it keep them separated?
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Sequel to: No Take Backs.
Sometimes Humans and Wolves are like oil and vinegar. They just won't mix.
Juniper's got a major grudge.
Alice is in it's cross hairs.
The only thing they seem to have in common is trying to keep their heads above water in this thing called life. Alice is discovering a world she never knew. Juniper is trying to survive in the harsh realities of it.
But they have more in common than they realize. Each holds a secret. Can they create an emulsion out of their differences, or will it keep them separated?
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