11 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: Never Wish For Anything
Feb 05, 20247 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2: Spoken Into Existence
Feb 07, 20245 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3: We're Not Alone
Feb 12, 20245 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4: Flirting In The Woods
Feb 13, 20244 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5: Help Is On The Way
Feb 15, 20244 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6: Let Me Be Wrong
Apr 16, 20244 views
Episode 7
Chapter 7: The Hunt
Apr 18, 20244 views
Episode 8
Chapter 8: Bullies Are So Lame
Apr 22, 20244 views
Episode 9
Chapter 9: A New Quest
Jun 17, 20242 views
Episode 10
Chapter 10: Keeping Distance
Jun 18, 20242 views
Episode 11
Chapter 11: My Precious Knight
Jun 24, 20242 views
What do you think would happen between you and your classmates if you were transported to another world? Being told that you are needed to save the kingdom from destruction from monsters working together to stage a war. How are you supposed to react to that call to arms and being given a system to level up and asses your powers? To rise and fall and the safety of not only the kingdom but your classmates. Wouldn't that make for an interesting first year in college.
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What do you think would happen between you and your classmates if you were transported to another world? Being told that you are needed to save the kingdom from destruction from monsters working together to stage a war. How are you supposed to react to that call to arms and being given a system to level up and asses your powers? To rise and fall and the safety of not only the kingdom but your classmates. Wouldn't that make for an interesting first year in college.
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