“Log date: No idea. Approximately 3:00 AM, give or take a few thousand lightyears. My name is Isaiah Hughes, and I’m detailing my experiences with an event that has changed my life entirely. I've somehow been transported to a completely alien world with no clue how I got here and no way to return home. I've been able to meet and befriend some locals, beings that call themselves the “Seraphim”, who have built a utopia with technology I couldn't begin to understand. I recognize nothing about this place, and I still have so many questions too. I mean, how did I get here? Is my sister’s disappearance somehow connected to all of this? And, more urgently, why have I been transforming into a seraph too?? I don't have the answers yet, but I hope I can somehow figure this all out. Though I think I need to worry about at least surviving on this planet first. Here's to hoping. End log.”Read more
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