a webcomic series based on the various spiels and perils of my own life, but told in short, simple, vague and purposely confusing phrases that you have to decipher the message on your own. (some of them are clear, some not so clear)
there is no certain storyline, as everything here is basically cultivated around significant things i may feel at the time. will update when i can.
triggers may also be evident.
【REMINDER】 Please note the mood for each episode can suddenly change from light-hearted to darker undertones depending on what I feel at the time. Any episodes with heavier psychological themes and/or triggers will be marked as mature. Please read at your own risk.
And please also note that the dialogue is supposed to be vague on purpose.
【View the short animation which inspired the creation of this webcomic on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY2YSYz89cMRead more
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