Small info at the beginning, seems easier to read than it being written in description plus little thing about main character and revelation of his name; as mentioned other character won't be revealed until their appearance !
I'm seriously shocked on how much attention this is getting, I'm so flattered that so much people would like to wait for it but also terrified because I'm scared it will turn out into complete disaster ;;
Comic will be black&white btw, only maybe last pages of each chapter will be coloured or/and important pieces of story ;;
"THE KYŌKAN!" Young starving hybrid blamed for a crime he would never commit. Insult that’s circling the air of the old town, a curse. The Murderer. Life flashed before his eyes as death wrapped around his neck, until the shadow appeared.
NOTE: Main focus of this comic is Drama not Romance, there will be a bit of BL Elements, but most of the plot is focused on story development.
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