This one I call Alfred 3rd. As his long teeth and overall looks suggest, he is a vampire. I imagine him to be only 1,60m tall, which makes him having issues whenever someone mentions his height.
He and his only (ghost-)friend Jonathan live alone in an abandoned castle, surrounded by woods. His hobbies include playing chess (mostly against himself, because Jonatahan can't touch the pieces) and drinking old wine from a wine collection stored in the castle's basement. However, one day he runs out of wine bottles, so together they set out on a troublesome, but absolutely neccessary journey to find a new collection of high class wine (that's when he meets a hero/heroine, who works at a winery...)
Recently I decided to practice my drawing skills using random characters created by the ChibiMaker app - which is pretty old but still totally awesome :D. I like to give these characters names and stories. And I want to share some of them with you.
In case you're not familiar with ChibiMaker, here's the link:
Btw, if you have created some interesting characters as well, please let me know ;) Read more
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