For my first attempt I actually generated a Chibi that looks like me. So this one is called Valiley. She's a bit shy at first, but when you get to know her, she can do the most random shit with you. She works as an engineer, but secretly draws comics in her free time, that none of her coworkers can ever find out about!
But enough about her! The next one is gonna be a random character, I promise :D
(Did I mention that listening to music is one of Valileys primary hobbies? XD that mp3 player is very authentic...)
Recently I decided to practice my drawing skills using random characters created by the ChibiMaker app - which is pretty old but still totally awesome :D. I like to give these characters names and stories. And I want to share some of them with you.
In case you're not familiar with ChibiMaker, here's the link:
Btw, if you have created some interesting characters as well, please let me know ;) Read more
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