Jean never saw herself as adventurous. This brown kid didn't plan to fall down long winding rabbit holes or embark on (less problematic) Eat-Pray-Love treks. But like many great stories, the adventure found her.
Follow Jean, an optimistic, yet incredibly naive Indian Canadian, as she travels 8000km away from the comforts of her Vancouver Shire to teach in South Korea. Together with the help of her brilliant illustrator sister, Jean and Julia share the story of a year teaching in Korea. This autobiographical-photo-collage travel comic chronicles Jean's most awkward and hilarious moments working abroad.
Required (medical) butt exams?
Students adopting swarms of ladybugs?
Eating healthy river snail soup with the principals?
Strangers asking to start a bold romance?
A group of great friends that work and travel together?
This comic has it all and more! Join Jean as she boldly goes where no Jean has gone before in the peninsula she came to call home.Read more
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