Why did I start the comic with this joke?
Why did I even start this comic?
I can't say, not because it is a secret to hold dear, and keep close, even upon scrutiny from your peers, and all for the better good of the world.
Hell no.
I just don't know what I am doing at all.
Get used to hearing that with anything I do, it'll be a running theme.
So, sit tight, buckle up, and enjoy the ride!
(Geddit? Ride? Because it's a train....?)
Terrible jokes and poorly represented life events. But is compensated by the BEST art around.
Ok I embellished on that a touch, the jokes could be worse.
But the art is on point! It is so good, you'll kiss your fingers and spread it around the room, it's that mmmHMMM the good stuff.
I studied in Design and Modern Arts in Uni for 5 days before dropping out. So you can trust me as a professional on the matter.
Like, not enough to look after your children, but enough to trust that I will totally not waste the time you spend looking at my stuff!
Maybe. Read more
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