Update: released the rest of the chapter. -- Hypocrite is a hypocrite. That temper boils so quickly when it involves Moretta. I ADORE drawing his fixed gazes and stares, they're so sinister and fun. -- A mini chapter because I haven't posted in awhile and this is what I've got sitting in the folders. I'm working on more but it's too late to finish the few more pages. Plus, they won't be too weird if I bump them to the next chapter. This is a seamless story, tbh. There's more to this of course. It's becoming more apparent how quickly this plot is going.
An episodic, paranormal horror story surrounding events in the city state of Llyrstadt. This story is shaped by a series of chapters, each featuring a unique and dreadful person. Cannibals, witches, murder and uh... sex.
Written and created by Ian, JJ and Kone.
(Our description will improve, promise.)Read more
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