Seriously this one really speaks to me. Recently Ive been feeling so bummed out about being stuck in this small town I live in, and that having a job where I live paycheck to paycheck is not what I want. Nothing to do with my art goals, and nothing that will lead to me being happy. My girlfriend lives in California and invited me out to live with her. Yes. I have a goal, to get there, but I was so stuck in the planning phase, that I wasn't getting anywhere forward. My grandfather lent a hand and welp... instead of taking it as a maybe I took the opportunity, worked in some of the plans I was brainstorming for a while (the reason those never went anywhere was because of the feeling of insecurity, what if it didn't work? Then I would be worse off) but next week I'm moving out there! I'm better off trying than not, and I'm better off making decisions for a goal I'm at least starting towards than saying I never tried. It feels so much better, even having a fresh outlook on possibilities, a new environment and to finally be with the love of my life!
The road to mastering your artistic craft is a long one. Discouragement, exhaustion or even simple boredom can cause you to give up. If you want to reach the end, you must find a way to make your creative practice sustainable.
Brick by Brick explores the ins and outs of sustainable creativity with succinct and memorable comic essays. In this book you will find useful principles for goal setting, improvement and motivation to help you set up a creative practice that lasts a lifetime.Read more
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