different people 1
Feb 27, 2017
I lived in a small village, I went to a highschool in a small town, and before getting to the capital city, I like never really seen people who are not the common "white" person.
in the city I saw more different asian mostly, some black people or ginger.
yes, Ginger is something that I barely seen (I have seen many people who dyed hair to red, I am like that too)
and seeing these people I find it interesting, and wish I could say I am friends some of them.
people that call as "latino" I can't really think of them as different, they also white to me and I see similar looking people to them... darkbrown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin.... have you seen white people who work on the sun all day? they also that tanned like them, so I can't really call them different...
(also my cousin are half latino in some way, so, not uncommon for me like the rest)
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