These profiles took a lot of background development, research into identities, and foresight on their roles on the comics, which is why it took a bit longer than usual! I'm falling more and more in love with this series and these characters as I develop them, and I have to thank all of my friends that have given me input on everything from gender identities to believable traumas to whether people can "really change" and so, so much more, whether they knew anything about the myths or not! I only have 2 more goddesses to illustrate in the main cast, and the rest of the characters that will be posted will be secondary! We're getting so, so close to simply posting episodes! Thank you so much for the 50+ that are following me and the many more that support!
My deviantART is r-ivkah and my tumblr is rea-rivkah. Please consider following!
In modern-day Theopolis , New York, Greek gods, goddesses, and species live in a quasi-harmony. Told in sitcom style, Just Your Average Pantheon follows the godly misadventures of Zeus, Hera, and their Olympian associates.
Disclaimer: These characters are modern interpretations; their stories and origins have been altered and do not follow the incestuous line of behavior in traditional stories. Read more
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