We have come to the last spurts of that old enthusiasm everyone gets when starting things but most eventually quit out when it runs dry.
I spent a ton of time on that face because I wanted my first self portrait to look at least slightly good, for reference the original image is here,
Honestly, with the way things are going at home and everything, I wouldn't even make it this far without the guilt of knowing I made you guys a promise, so... yeah, thanks! :|
But I don't want to be a downer so I won't talk about that stuff.
I probably would have posted this yesterday but my router pooped out and I didn't really feel like doing much after getting lost on the way home and spent three hours biking around instead of my usual usual 20 minute ride... but it's up now, and what I'll probably do now is make the hands/faces/whatever I draw fill the page so I don't have to smoosh and make everything look bad, I'll also try to spend more time on each one with the shading techniques I'm trying out that you can probably see here, so I'll be posting at a slightly faster rate because more pictures, but fewer and (hopefully) better drawings.
that was long, if you made it here, give yourself a pat on the back, or something.
Welcome, to this thing!
this, as you could probably guess, is a sketchbook, cataloguing my journey from terrible to ULTIMATE SUPREME DOODLER! Or maybe not... I still cannot draw well to save my life, I don't think there'll be a real schedule, I'll just hunt through my notebooks for doodles and post them here for your critique and suggestions!Read more
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