The dark haired, shadow prince of Asgard remembers many things. He remembers things that the others cannot recall. They call him a liar, but he remembers.
He remembers walking along the roads of the sky. He remembers loving a woman with the loyalty of no other.
And he remembers that once upon a time, his dark hair had shone like the sun.
Miss Nancy runs a foster home for superhuman kids - mostly mutants and lost Asgardians. Problem is, none of the kids are real.
You see, Miss Nancy is a superhuman herself. She's ageless. And she remembers everything.
Well, everything that anyone has ever forgotten. Any memory that anyone has ever lost. Whatever timeline, whatever alternate reality.
As you can imagine, Miss Nancy can’t exactly cope with all the universe’s memories. So she files away the worst memories the best way she knows how. Inside the heads of children.
She’s reluctant to give up any of these kids; especially one that’s holding the memories of an omega level mutant.
[Just mindless babble from here]
So this started in high school when I was reading some old X men comics when I realized that so many of them had memory problems. Then I met Thor and Loki (in an X-men comic, go figure) and realized, these guys have memory problems too.
I was thinking of releasing this maybe in the far far far future (or if Marvel ever decided to hire me ha!) but I've just seen X-men: Apocalypse and I need an outlet for my irritation. Read more
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