This story is meant to be fairly wholesome, however…
*This story has LGBTQ characters in it, with several transgender characters.
*There’s implied gender transformation shenaniganry - as well as the consequences of these changes.
The Legend of Darumond (Part 3)
=== Two days later, the kitsune city. ===
Eris was finally back in Temporah’s city. In her hands, a golden oil lamp with entwined spouts, a ring holding the twin spouts at the end together. This was the Couple’s Lamp. Within, there were two full-powered genies. She had met these two many times over the centuries, giving them the comfort she never had during her own enslavement… But at least they had each other. Their bond never faded over the centuries, and the things they created within their world… Well, Ariel would see soon enough.
But it made her think of her own time. Hundreds of years ago, she passed through many hands. Apparently, an entire order built itself around her, recognizing that she wanted to undo the ills of her mortal life. It all started when she came upon her second master, her right-hand man as king. He had almost made the wish to serve her in her genie life, but she stopped him. It would have been for eternity, a member of her vessel forever. Given what she dealt with at the time, she couldn’t let another suffer her fate.
But even if he couldn’t serve her like that, he made sure that, for the most part, she was protected. The order he created while she was stuck in her vessel helped guide her to trustworthy hands that could help her undo the damage she caused in life (and with her first master, while she was a magic drone incapable of thought). Even his descendants, many centuries later, would help her see the good she did, even when she was at her lowest…
But even with the centuries passed, and all that transpired because of it, she still missed him. Still, she couldn’t discount the friends she made in her time as a genie, mortal and otherwise, carrying their memories with her wherever she went. She hoped Ariel could do the same…
Eris caught a glance at Ariel, who was with the kitsune hero, Frua. They were talking, and even smiling. Frua was notably reserved because of all they had gone through. And yet, here they were, smiling.
think Ariel will be just fine, if she can get someone like Frua to
open up… Eris thought, relaxing
a little at the sight.
Ariel spotted Eris, waved to Frua, and ran up to Eris. “Welcome back, Eris! I take it that’s the Couple’s Lamp?” she asked.
Eris nodded. “Yes it is. Before we take this somewhere private, did you befriend Frua?”
“Oh, yeah, she’s really nice once she opens up! She’s got lots of stories to tell, and she’s an avid gamer too! I honestly didn’t expect that…”
Eris smiled. “It’s good to see you making friends. Even if you may one day outlast them, friendships are important to genies. Don’t forget that.”
“I won’t.”
“But you got Frua to open up? You have a gift, Ariel.”
“Heh, thanks. I can’t wait to meet her again!”
“Anyway, we should take this elsewhere. It’s best to have privacy when doing this, even if the kitsunes won’t interfere.”
“Fair enough. Lead the way!”
The two traveled into the forest surrounding the city. They didn’t go far, as the sounds of the city could still be heard.
“Alright, let’s just lay them down gently, and…” Eris grabbed Ariel’s hand and proceeded to have her start rubbing the lamp. Eris did the same, and before too long, their legs morphed into their genie tails and connected themselves to the spouts.
“Woah, what’s going on!?” Ariel yelped.
“This is how you get into a vessel containing an enslaved genie. A moral summons, while a genie gains entry…”
Ariel could feel it. She could now go in if she wanted, or she could cancel it and return to normal. She had a choice here, even if the transformation was unexpected. She nodded to Eris before allowing herself to be drawn in. Eris quickly followed suit.
Within… Ariel couldn’t believe her eyes. Planetoids and stars flew around her! The two contained in this lamp had created their own mini-universe, with each planet a verdant paradise!
“Oh… My…” Ariel started.
“Impressive, right?” Eris asked, floating behind her.
“I don’t know what I expected…”
“In half the time, they created more than I did, that’s for sure. I got a little mansion. They have a few solar systems.”
“W-wow. This is what we’re capable of in our vessels!? I mean, you said as much on my first day, but…”
“You don’t really believe it until you see it, right?”
“Yeah, no kidding!”
“Anyway, they should be waiting for us. I let them know we were both coming, so they should have picked a place we can meet them…”
“How do we even…” But before Ariel could finish her thought, she spotted one of the planets being wrapped by an aurora of pink and purple. “Well, that’s pretty obvious…”
Both of the genies flew over to the planetoid, descending to its surface. Their legs reformed as they reached the ground. Before them, a pair of women, one with pale skin, the other with near ebony, holding hands.
“Welcome back, Eris,” said the lighter skinned one.
“And this would be Ariel, correct?” asked the darker skinned one.
“That I am!” she replied. That’s when she noticed the glowing tether, a pair of chains for each of them, connected to their bangles (or rather, shackles), snaking their way to the vessel’s portal. It did not matter how large the vessel’s dimension was on the inside; these magic chains would always bind them to the portal, to be summoned at a moment’s notice. “Oh my…” escaped her lips.
“Don’t worry, Ariel, that’s what we’re here to fix,” Eris reassured her, realizing she was seeing the binding chains.
“Anyway, what are your names?” Ariel asked them. “I never learned your names yet…”
“Emmaska…” the lighter skinned one said, bowing.
“Eternia…” replied the ebony one, holding out her hand for Ariel to shake. Ariel grabbed it with a smile.
“I would assume you both chose names for yourselves after becoming genies?” Ariel asked.
“Of course!” replied Emmaska. “After all, it’s not like we were going back to our old lives anyway.”
“Indeed, I was a slave before. What life was there for me to go back to?” added Eternia.
“So, we decided a couple of years in to change our names to whatever we wanted,” Emmaska replied. “And I got to say, you picked a great name, my love,” she added as she kissed Eternia on the cheek. Eternia blushed in turn.
“Knowing what I know about history, I can see why you were so afraid of being torn away from each other…” Ariel said, looking down. “And that monster… What he did to you…”
“As much as it pains me to admit, he did us a kindness. We were able to stay together. We’ve been able to live to a time where women of different skins can still live together and not be punished so harshly for it,” Eternia suggested.
“And we were able to withstand this trial together, to keep loving each other no matter what was thrown our way,” Emmaska added, hugging her partner as she did.
“Well, I don’t know if you know everything about the current time, but…” Ariel began.
“They know,” Eris interrupted. “I kept them up to date on all sorts of things. They should be ready for the present day. They just don’t know you. Why don’t you introduce yourself first?”
“Okay. Well, I’m Ariel Hope. About eleven months ago, I was a trans girl, homeless, on the streets… And… Dying. Eris delivered the Golden Edict to me, and I became an Angelic Genie. I’m still… I’m learning, so be patient with me.”
“No pressure. We have all the time in the universe,” suggested Emmaska, smiling. It put Ariel at ease.
“Indeed, you may be a novice, but you cannot learn without doing. I imagine Eris has taught you well, as she has taught us,” added Eternia.
“Thank you. It, umm, doesn’t bother you that I’m trans, right?” Ariel asked.
“Where I came from, we celebrated that, we believed that you were proof of the spiritual world. Those who showed genuine signs of expressing that were given high honors,” explained Eternia.
“It took me longer, but between Eternia’s culture and Eris explaining things as they developed, I’ve learned long ago to accept it. You’re okay, Ariel!” said Emmaska with a bow.
“Th-thank you…” Ariel stuttered.
“Anyway, Ariel, can you see any curses on them?” Eris asked. “We’ve worked tirelessly over the centuries to remove all of Darumond’s vile curses, but only Angelic Genies can catch the most subtle spells. I imagine that you saw the curse affecting the Hallow?”
“I did,” Ariel replied.
“Only a handful are able to see that curse. Frua, some other kitsunes, and Angelic Genies. Maybe a lucky light witch or two. It’s a part of your protections as an Angelic Genie; you can see any curse as a means to avoid or break it, no concentration or training required. Go ahead,” Eris explained, gesturing to Eternia and Emmaska.
Ariel gazed at them, trying to spot anything that looked out of place. It seemed there were a couple of spells on them, but it was clear the spells weren’t malicious in nature (and were of their own doing – she could see their magic signatures, something she was learning to read). There wasn’t a single trace of Darumond’s curses left, at least not ones that were modified by the pair for their own gain. Not a single demonic letter could be found.
“As far as I can tell, they’re clean,” Ariel suggested, “and if I may, you both have really pretty auras. I can’t imagine you two abusing your powers with the auras you give off!”
“That settles it for me. Emmaska, Eternia, by decree of the genies, you can now be freed! Ariel, if you may do the honors…” Eris suggested.
By Erica Chrisman (CrystalSeaDragon44)
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